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Dr. Limei Xu 徐莉梅


Contact Info

Office:W537, Physics Building of Peking University


Email:[email protected]

Personal Homepage:
https://faculty.pku.edu.cn/xulm/zh_CN/index.htm (Ch)
https://faculty.pku.edu.cn/xulm/en/index.htm (En)

Research Group Website:
https://xulm.pku.edu.cn/index.htm (En)










Boston University

B. S.



Beijing Normal University (with honors)


Professional Appointments

Year Position Institution
2017- Professor ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University
2015-2017 Associate Professor (with tenure) ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University
2011-2015 Associate Professor(tenure-track) ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University
2008-2011 Assistant Professor WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University
2007-2008 Post-Doctoral Fellow Department of Chemistry, University of Utah


Research Interests

Soft Condensed Matter Physics; Computational Physics

1.        Water Sciences: water structures and transitions in bulk and confinement & on 2d surfaces; adsorptions of interfacial water.

2.        Theory and computational physics: supercritical phenomenon and phase transitions, dynamics and thermodynamics of supercooled liquids.

3.        Non-equilibrium statistical physics: glass transition, kinetics and dynamics in nucleation.


Honors and Awards


The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 


Selected Publications

1. S. Cerveny, F. Mallamace, J. Swenson, M. Vogel, and L. Xu. 'Confined Water as Model of Supercooled Water'. Chemical Reviews (2015). 

2. R. Z. Li, J. Chen, X. Z. Li, E. G. Wang, L. Xu*. “Rationalizing the liquid-liquid phase transition in high pressure hydrogen using the concept of the Widom line”. New Journal of Physics 17, 063023 (2015).

3. J. Luo, L. Xu*, E. Lascaris, H. E. Stanley, and S. V. Buldyrev, “Behavior of the Widom Line in Critical Phenomena”, Phys. Rev. Lett112, 135701 (2014).

4. G. Sun, N. Giovambattista, E. G. Wang, and L. Xu*, “Effects of surface structure and solvophilicity on the crystallization of confined liquids”, Soft Matter 9, 11374 (2013).

5. L. Xu*,S. V. Buldyrev, H. E. Stanley, and G. Franzese, “Homogeneous crystal nucleation near a metastable fluid-fluid phase transition”, Phys. Rev. Lett109, 095702 (2012).

6. Z. Sun, D. Pan, L. Xu*, and E. G. Wang*,  “The role of proton ordering in adsorption preference of polar molecule on ice surface”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 13177-13181 (2012). Highlighted by http://www.natureasia.com/en/nchina/article/10.1038/nchina.2012.60.

7. L. Xu*, S. V. Buldyrev, F. W. Starr, F. Mallamace, and H. E. Stanley. “Appearance of a fractional Stokes-Einstein relation in water and a structural interpretation of its onset.” Nature Physics 5, 565-569 (2009).

8. L. Xu*, P. Kumar, S. V. Buldyrev, S.-H. Chen, P. H. Poole, F. Sciortino and H. E. Stanley. “Relation between the widom line and the strong-fragile dynamic crossover in systems with a liquid-liquid phase transition.”Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 16558 (2005). Selected as Emerging Research Fronts in Physics in April 2007:  http://www.esi-topics.com/erf/2007/april07-Xu_Stanley.html).


Open Positions

We have 1 graduate student opening each year, and currently 1-2 postdoc opening positions.